

  • I had the RNY, and the ONLY regret I can think of is being open and telling people... No Support what so ever! (Except my hubby) I got every "Did you try this diet did you try that diet" Advice from every direction! Or the "Did you try Diet and Exercise?"... "Just stop eating so much" Like I woke up one morning, looked in…
  • June 21st I had my RNY, and some days I can get in 300cal and some days 1000cal... it is the water I am having troubles with... I can't seem to get in the amount they want, AND still get some food in there :))
  • I had my RNY June 21st... Yes some days when I have a pain in my abd from bending, or I can't eat, or I eat the wrong thing.... I think to myself ...WTF? But when I jump on the scale that WTF turns to a WTG!!!! I was PEEVED when I went to my 1 week checkup and they found a blot clot (DVT) in my arms from the Middline that…
  • I packed a full bag of everything I THOUGHT I would need or use... I never opened the bag :)) The hospital supplied everything I would need as in clothing and toiletries... I didn't feel like opening the books I brought, and I was in a private room, so no need for headphones for the tv... and didn't even care that it was…
  • I swear I YO YO more then Oprah! In my 20s I would YoYo 100lbs up and down (during my kid havin days) I was 256 in my mid 20s and did a starvation diet, I lost down to 130 that year... deff NOT a healthy way to do it! Now I am working with a nutritionist and I YO YO Weekly, sometimes DAILY up and down 5 to 10 lbs... It is…
  • Mother of 4... Grandmother of 1... I also need some active Fitness Pal members to friend me :)