

  • I find if I do not eat back most of my calories I go into starvation mode. I never ever go below 1200 net calories a day. That is supposed to be the magic number.
  • nothing over the counter works for me. I have a great pain management doctor who helps me maintain so I am able to exercise.
  • If everything is adjusted correctly you should not have knee pain while spinning.
  • I will be logging. You need to keep in the habit of doing it all the time no matter what the occasion. I have changed up some recipes and left some family favorites alone. Just as with everything else.....moderation is the key,.
  • We all have our good days and our bad days. Here is looking to a better today then yet all comes down to mind set. I find when I am in a down type mood I will either call a friend, family member or burn off some unwanted stress. Finding ways to cope is part of the process. Good luck and keep your chin up!! Tina
  • I have been told by several different people (doctor, trainer ect) that you shouild not go below 1200 net calories because your body will go into starvation mode and you might not lose any weight. Tina
  • It is good to see all of you in this group. I would like to propose a weigh-in once per week where we list a few stats such as exercise for the week and amount gained/lost. We could put in something like this Starting Date:11/12/2011 Current week:11/14 to 11/21 SW: 283 - (this is the starting weight) LW: 225 - (this is the…
  • I had to push through my pain also. I have polyneuropathy so I deal minute by minute daily!!! I overdid it on Sunday when I went walking with my sister, brother-in-law and their dog. I hope you feel better today. I did 20 minutes of spinning last night.
  • Welcome everyone....I am excited about this group. Clarissa, Your lack of weight loss could be many things. Sometimes not eating enough will cause you to not lose much weight either. Good luck!
  • Hello, my name is Tina and I suffer from severe neurapathy from Chemotherapy for Inflammatory Breast Cancer. I am just 42 years old. I have already lost 50-55lbs and kept it off for about 2 years now. Now it is time to try to slim down more and get this weight off once and for all. My husband and I just recently moved to…
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