

  • •What meal of the day did you just LOVE? Or, what has been your favorite healthy/low calorie meal lately? I didn't eat that amazing today. It was date night with the boyfriend and we had pasta. I don't usually eat pasta so it was a nice treat. I had a tomato basil tortellini which was absolutely delicious. I skipped the…
  • How did your day go? Today was kind of slack. I cut back on my cardio yesterday because I thought I was going to do an intense hike today but my boyfriend and I couldn't sleep so we scratched the hike. What did you do for exercise? Just walking and a little biking. What did you struggle with? sleeping and eating enough…
  • My goal this month is to lose 10 lbs. I want to get back up to a 10K and continue my training for a half marathon. Continue going to the gym 5 days a week. And try doing something active such as biking, swimming, or running on my off days. At least 3 minutes a day. Oh, & find a way to eat enough! I'm really struggling with…
  • How did your day go? It was alright. It's too hot here lately so I've been hiding out in the air conditioning. What did you do for exercise? I focused on weights for arms, back, shoulders and abs. did some speed walking for cardio but took it easy today. What did you struggle with? I'm struggling with eating enough…
  • Hey, I saw this group & thought it would be nice to do a little challenge and help people get motivated/be motivated back. Hopefully it goes well =) How did your day go? My day went pretty well though I almost didn't want to get out of bed. Wasn't feeling really motivated today. What did you do for exercise? Break it down…