

  • wow! thats amazing! congrats. but then again it sux on my behalf considering i have also been a member since jan. 08 and have lost absolutly nothing=[
  • get a polar calorie counter or accuate calorie counting!!!
  • ok so ive been with mfp since january and i havent lost any weight which is very frusterating. mfp tells me to eat 1200 cals day. i met with a personal trainer today and asked them why i wasnt loosing any weight. when i told them that i was eating 1200 cals a day they said theres my reason. this is because with the amount…
  • good question im not really dieting because i wasnt sure what to eat and what not to eat. but i want to start a pretty strick diet which includes no white bread, low sugars, and eat around 1300 cals. a day. any advice?
  • hey everyone my name is jessie and ive been a gym member for about 2 weeks now. im just wondering if i was doing it right or if anyone else has any better ideas on how to get me the way i want to be=]. i want to loose weight mostly in my stomach area and tone my whole body. i am 5'7 and weight 155lbs. i go to the gym 4…
  • hey i was just wondering if anyone tried the diet pill apidex? and if so has it worked for you?
  • thankx soo much. im so excited about it! i sit here and read peoples post and its amazing how everyone helps eachother out and becomes friends. this really is a great website and thanks for the luck! will do=]
  • :tongue: just wanted to say hi. im new and love all the help and motivation this site gives me. keep it up guys!!!