

  • I learned it in my class from my pathophysiology teacher. I'll try and find a link. Another way you can see how well your body absorbs the tablet/capsule is by placing it in water. After a few hours, if it has dissolved, then you know it is getting in your body and your bloodstream.
  • Hi there, I always take a multi in the mornings. If it helps, your body only absorbs about 1% of tablet vitamins. So, if you want your body to absorb more of the vitamin, you should generally go for: liquid>capsules>tablets.
  • Hey guys, kind of new to myfitnesspal! I used to have the same problem and it is more than likely because you are placing too much pressure on the front balls of your feet (which is apparently common) or the laces might be tied too tight. Both reduce circulation to your toes. Try changing your posture while on the…