emsfire839 Member


  • I completely understand where you are coming from. I hate working out at a gym because I feel like a huge blimp next to all the cute little girls around me. I am even too self conscious to work out around my family. Love my mom to death, but she is one that thinks that negative comments work as motivation (they don't!).…
  • Right now I'm loving HIM- In Venere Veritas Motley Crue- Kickstart My Heart Seether- Rise Above This
  • I feel like I'm stuck on a roller coaster. I started at 280lbs 2 years ago, and made it down to 217. During the past year I have put a chunk of the weight back on and am currently at 246lbs. I decided that it's time to get serious. My ultimate goal is to weigh 140, but my first milestone is to get under the 200lb. mark. My…
  • I found this app on my ipod a couple months ago, but lost motivation until I saw the show this morning. I'm 26 and am getting ready to start paramedic class in two weeks. I refuse to be a fat medic that gets winded on scene. I have 100lbs to lose, but my first goal is to get under 200lbs. I'm 242 right now.