

  • The Ideal Waist to Hip Ratio as an indicator of physical attractiveness is fascinating to me. Its roots are in evolutionary theory and there is lots of scientific research data that support the theory. The Ideal WHR for female attractiveness is .8. 40"hips x .8 = 32" waist. Modern man's earliest ancestors passed onto them…
  • Hello Runners, This is Lisa from St. Charles, MO. I have been running for about 15 years now. Distance running for about 7 years. I've completed 2 full marathons and I've lost count of how many half marathons. My next run is St. Judes in Memphis Dec. 7. This will be my 5th St. Jude's half. This memphis course is alwaya a…
  • Hello, I ran my second marathon in September and I run lots of 1/2 marathons and other distances on-down from there. I also like to read about endurance running. The general consensus in the literature is to start a 21 week marathon training program, you should be running a long run of eight miles minimum on a regular…
  • Slacker Mommy, First congrats on getting of the couch. Truly, that's the real challenge. Second, find your pace -- emphasis on "your". That's right -- if it's 15 minutes per mile/ it's 15 minutes per mile. Always remember, fifteen minutes-per-mile makes you faster than all those people who never got out of bed on race…
  • I am blog challenged here -- hopefully, I have posted this to the new board (vs. the old board) Third try! I suppose I found my group:) Thanks Deb. This stage in life has it's biological challenges for sure. It helps me to remember that there are some upsides that come with the end of my fertile, hormones-a-flowing years.…
  • I suppose I found my group:) Thanks Deb. This stage in life has it's biological challenges for sure. It helps me to remember that there are some upsides that come with the end of my fertile, hormones-a-flowing years. For instance, at last, I can go 2 days without washing my hair and it doesn't look like a grease slick.…
  • I suppose I found my group:) Thanks Deb. I try to look at the upside of the ending of my primal "breeding" stage years. For instance, I can go 2 days without washing my hair and it doesn't look like a grease slick. Shaving my legs and plucking my eyebrows are not required nearly as often as when I was younger. Same with…