

  • I'm a nonvoluntary nonweigher since I don't own a scale...I hate measuring by the tape measure cause it seems so subjective and sometimes I get very anxious over whether I'm gaining weight or not losing because I don't have a clear measure. However I've gotten better at analyzing my appearance and how my body feels.
  • Haha, I went to the mall...I was pretty tired and I didn't want to bother looking around too much. I couldn't find anything that fit in the top! I am chest-less, and I want a tight fit, not too skimpy, should stay on when jumping off diving board. I couldn't find any of the above in any swimsuit! Not to mention most stores…
  • I guesstimate waaay too often, but hey, who has access to a computer all day? Oh wait...it's summer...school's out...so...I do. I use artificial sweeteners even though they're supposedly bad for you. I try to compensate for the extra calories that sneak into my diet (a lick of peanut butter, 1/2 c of ice cream that was…
  • I had a big breakfast today! I had a morning workout from 8:00 to 1:00 (5 hrs! I'm tired!) so I figured I'd better fill up. Two large slices of crusty bread - 300 4 tbsp strawberry-rhubarb jam - 200 6 oz strawberry yogurt - 75 Total: 575 Though I burned 1000ish kcal in my workout! A breakfast that I would have with no…