weesa1983 Member


  • Haha, I love this post! I'm 30, married and have NO intention of having kids - unfortunately, I only have a fur-sister (my folks' lovely little Shi tzu) - but she's awesome! I look at animals the way that most women look at kids - and I look at kids with a mix of fear/disgust/"what am I meant to do with THIS" kind of…
  • Thanks for all the responses - it's really interesting to read your experiences and tips! I think I'm going to just go ahead and increase my daily intake as the 1000 a day isn't doing anything for me and I'm a bit annoyed at myself for trying it to be honest! I'll try and plan in some more exercise throughout the day too -…
  • They can come about from the stretching of the skin when weight increases quickly - you may not have noticed them when you were heavier but now that you have lost weight, they are more noticable. You can buy Bio Oil or even a Cocoa Butter cream and that should help eventually reduce the appearance. Just keep using it and…