ManderMooo Member


  • Came here with the same question.
  • I sent this as another reply to someone else, but I'm not 100% on how the message boards work here, and I wanted you to see this too: Mindfulness is a very important idea when approaching dieting. Mindfulness is kinda a Buddhist idea. My favorite story about the Buddha that I learned in Thailand actually really helps me…
  • Mindfulness is a very important idea when approaching dieting. Mindfulness is kinda a Buddhist idea. My favorite story about the Buddha that I learned in Thailand actually really helps me when I think about food: There was a statue of Buddha emaciated from not eating and sitting under the Bodhi tree with an angel sitting…
  • Sounds like you have a touch of the OCD. I didn't understand my own diagnosis of OCD for a long time. I'm a slob and I don't wash my hands obsessively. But what people do not understand about OCD is that it is mostly internal. Constant thoughts on any subject that you may or may not compulsively act on. Food became a focus…
  • I agree, I do not think this is just a calorie counting website. I use it for tracking most everything about my health and nutrition. The best thing I like to use is the mobile app that helps me make sure I am getting all of my necessary vitamins. I have an eating plan that I try to stick to the best I can, but, when I…
  • Am I the only one that thinks this looks DELICIOUS?!!
  • I think it is pretty obvious that clean eating is better for your body's system in the long run, but if your focus is just they way you look (not feel) you can lose weight by just keeping your calories down. Watch FatHead I believe it is on Netflix. A really entertaining documentary…
  • Earthbound Farm Power Greens 1 Tomato Cucumber 1 - 2 Carrots Chicken, Steak, or Bacon Avocado Lemon Juice