Exercise == Mood boost, stress breaker, sleep enhancer.
As someone who has spent time in some of the Internet's fiercest and most flammable forums over the years, I can assure you that this place is nearly as positive as freakin' Smurf Village. I'm not sure it's reasonable to expect 100% immunity from malicious morons, as this site - like any site with a social aspect -- has an…
Here is my anecdote for you: I used to work in an office of sixty people or so. Mac or Windows usage was pretty evenly split. *Everyone* complained about their damn computers. Even though the IT department ostensibly supported both platforms, they seemed a lot more efficient and resourced when solving Windows/PC problems…
The first thing to jumps to mind is that this fat-replacement idea may net out to mean people eat even greater quantities of food. It seems like by trying to force foods to fit our appetites we're turning eating into a...hobby. Eating isn't a hobby, and it isn't a game. It's survival. Either because you've got too little…
When I looked down I couldn't see my own junk anymore. Holy crap! That's when I knew the belly had to go.
Late at night, ungarnished popcorn is your calorie-sensible friend.
Personally, I note as exercise anything that causes me to break a sweat and raise my heart rate. (The only things that don't count are heatwaves, native sweat-lodges, and anxiety.) If I'm working hard enough for those signs, it's an effort worth logging. After all, I'm trying to track what I actually take in and put out,…
Most entertaining MyFitnessPal thread ever! I'd really like to extend thanks to SassyGirl, who made the whole discussion super extra hilarious. To those brave souls trying to talk sense, with support for their arguments, responding in a civilized way: you rock. I'm glad people like you are patient enough to contribute.…
yogavegan is right as rain. Nobody takes a cheat day from how they eat -- they take a cheat day from a "diet." That is to say the idea of cheating emphasizes the temporary (and perhaps fleeting) nature of the dietary adjustment. I think that if you're eating right you don't *want* to cheat, because the cheat-worthy foods…
I think a reasonable working definition of "fast food" might be anything you eat that makes you feel worse for having eaten it, instead of better.
I might recommend trying to tackle the train of thought rather than its symptoms. If you're not thinking about being hungry, you're not. I know that sounds a bit trite. "Distraction" is probably not the best term because of negative connotations, but the essence is there: if you try to get your mind onto/into something…
For what it's worth, my personal experience has been that eating healthy food transformed my cravings. That is, after eating well for a while I stopped being so thrilled by the idea of past favourite foods, and started salivating at the prospect of the new things I'd been exposing myself to. The net net is that a healthy…
Everything that first fellow said was good advice. If we were in person I'd give him a free lollipop just for making sense.