

  • @LCBinGA That is absolutely true! The other day she asked me why I don't workout anymore....I guess she didn't know that I was working out while she was in school but it made me feel good that she was trying to keep me accountable! She's my little cheerleader so I'm going to her school today where they are doing a "Run for…
  • That is hilarious!! Almost the same thing happened to me the other day while I was walking out to my car after grocery shopping. Thankfully, I was wearing jeans though and they kept sliding wayyyy down. I was in the parking lot laughing hysterically (by myself) with other shoppers starring at me like I had gone insane.…
  • A pound is a pound is a pound and you have 18 of which to be very proud of!!! I've lost about 10 so far (hopefully more after my weigh-in tomorrow) and I haven't been able to notice a difference either other than my pants are a little less snug. Don't let it discourage you, your hard work will pay off! Good luck :)
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