

  • Thank you for this, this really helped me as well!
  • Thank you! THis made my day!!! I am doing much better now! I still think about food all day, but now that I'm seeing results, I've been feeling great! Thanks everyone!
  • I have the good old fashioned oatmeal. I make it w Almond milk & a little bit of sugar & I love it. It has about 200cal. It's healthy, and it fills me up. Just make sure you dont buy the flavored one. Good luck!
  • I feel the same way. I injured my back and had to stop working out. I'm the opposite of most people, when I don't work out, I eat more :( These past 3 weeks I've been eating every possible junk food you can think of. I don't know what will motivate me either! Do you plan your meals ahead of time?