

  • I just started level 2 last night, and about to do it again. IT IS A WHOLE OTHER BEAST compared to level 1. It is sooo tough!! I love it, but it will take a little while to get through all of it without stopping. I ran two miles right before, would it better to maybe do it afterwards? I just feel that I'm not losing enough…
  • I just asked a friend of mine the exact same question today about going over my daily alloted protein intake (she is a nutritionist). Her exact words were "You have expensive pee or poo" So there is nothing TOO wrong with going over your goal.
  • I started level 1 last week, and LOVE IT! After just 1 week I have gotten comments from people asking me if I've lost weight! Starting level 2 tonight! Nervous, but excited. Just make sure you really push yourself, you'll get a lot out of the work out if you do! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
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