Good work, thanks for sharing. You look good and it looks like you feel amazing. :smile:
Great post. I've been on the fence about this but wasn't leaning toward any direction. Thank you for putting time into this.
In tried the free sample from GNC. It's really rare for me to take one pill of anything for 10 days in a row but I did it with this product because it worked for me. I know I was supposed to take more but I wanted the 10 pills to last longer. I've been checking the site for sales on Oxyelite pro. Anyway thanks for the…
:happy: Thanks! It puffed up really fast. I turned it off with 9 seconds left to go and it was good. I added cut up strawberries and it was the perfect little treat.
Not sure if anyone asked you this but how did you beat cervical cancer? Did they do a LEEP on you? I was just wondering because I think that could make you have heavier periods. Not sure though. I beat cervical cancer over the summer too! It involved 2 Leeps and 2 scopes and 3 exams and a hysterectomy.
This isn't advise but I gotta tell you I feel your pain. I was working out and eating right for weeks and weeks and saw nothing. I mean yeah my weight went up a pound then back dow. ough! But I had a bad 3 days where I ate like a normal person, not a calorie counting dieter calling it a lifesytle change, and I lost a…
I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and once my blood work showed lupus but only that one time and then it didn't show for the last 2 blood tests I've had. All I know is I am 36 and there are days I go downstairs to my basement to workout and I am stepping one step at a time like a 90 year old and then when my workout is done I…
Wow!!! My new goal is to post super awesome before and after shots. Going to take me much longer though. Thank You!
Kashi ( I LOVE) Southwest Style Chicken has 5g fat 310 cal. 49g carbs. and 680 mg Sodium But the Kashi Black Bean Mango is good too and it has 380 mg. of sodium. but higher fat calories and carbs.
Welcome! I'm kind of new too. Logging the food and calories is the best thing for me. Have fun :smile:
I love my Kashi Go Lean cereal with blueberries and non-sweetened almond milk.
Bear Lake, Michigan
I love this Thank You so much.:smile: :smile: It really hit home for me. Plus I don't think you have to let anyone see your food intake right? I think mine is blocked.
Sorry I don't have a comment. just learned how to copy a quote and post it and type something after the quote. Wish I knew this earlier tonight when I posted something. It's so out of context now and I can't fix it. I'm kind of new at this but I have skipped a few days going on here. nobody is going to kill you if you miss…
I have spent every single Valentine's Day alone. Weather I was with someone or not, some how I always ended up alone on that day. I will take this challenge and be with the sexier me that day and not eat my feelings too. :)
I'm killing my workouts!!!! So proud of myself. Did 250 calories on the bike twice. Once while watching Biggest Loser on Tuesday. Did 100 calories on the treadmill tonight and made a small effort with the weight training. Came pretty close to spending my night wrapped up in a blanket so I'm glad I did a small workout.