Sk8Kate Member


  • Yes I did. 2 carrots fresh from the garden (approx 3/4 cup).
  • I made butternut squash soup for first time last week & was surprised how well it fit in my goals. 6g carbs, 3g fat, 1g fibre, 1g protein, & 54 cals/serving. This was MFP calculations on ingredients when I plugged them in to "Recipe" box. Hope this helps.
  • Hello ladies. The weather is still holding on, a bit chilly, but nice enough to finish up some yardwork, ugh. Started a new project yesterday. Am slowly putting basement back together after kids moved out and decided to paint some mismatched furniture (not as easy as it looks on Internet). I love painting but am very, very…
  • Hi ladies. Just checking in. Had a rough couple weeks and fell off my <20 carb wagon. On the really bad days I still tried to stay <100. Fast food & hospital cafeterias between appointments made things tough. More checkups in 3 months. Plus meds. (Don't like taking anything, but got so bad I will til everything is…
  • Hello ladies, old & new. It is really nice to read thru our "chats" at the end of the day. @Ratsmith glad to hear your updates, too. Stay strong. @krazyforyou Great loss! Good for you. @karla so glad your son is doing so well. My girl just had to drop a class due to scheduling difficulties, so needs to pick it up later,…
  • That looks fabulous!!! Can't wait to try it.
  • Hi ladies. So nice we're back chatting. I missed you all. @ sunnyazgirl Welcome! @ Janice I agree with the "document everything" advice. Sad that it has come to this, but backing up your position & treatment by your coworkers is key. The fact that your summer support has switched gears is upsetting! Don't let anyone force…
  • @Janice I wish this work nightmare would end for you. Your battle with the lack of support & stress involved has been epic. Try to stay strong. I feel for you, hugs. @Karla so glad to hear your hubby is ok. That must have been so scary for you. Hopefully the ulcers will resolve soon too. Your poor puppy it's so tough when…
  • Yeah I'm missing everybody. Great job Janice.
  • Top looks fabulous Janice! Wow! Thanks for reminding us about Jane's birthday, Karla. So Happy Birthday Jane! Still don't think I'll try the camel's milk, lol.
  • Glad to see you're not eating poor unsuspecting authors, lol! Want to see the new top. Good luck tomorrow. Deep breaths & naughty thoughts might help. Stay strong.
  • Good morning ladies. Hope everyone had a great weekend. @Karla you look great! Glad you enjoyed yourself. If I could figure out how to make quack grass into fibre we could make a really good control underwear line. Thanks for support. @Janice hope this week will go smoother for you. You're right, stress is tough & finding…
  • So after 2 nights no sleep, I caved yesterday. Passed by the donuts at hubby's shop successfully, but had pizza for supper, then 2:00 am rolls around & I'm eating pizza again, darn it. I know I'm an emotional eater, but this is getting ridiculous. Been a bit of family drama & I let it get to me. Neice's son was put in…
  • You look great, Janice!!!! The small-minded pettiness of some people never fails to astound me. I hate confrontation, also. But you deserve a safe & healthy (physical & mental) workplace. Go get 'em, girl! You can do this! Big hugs!!!! @Jane The trip sounded wonderful! Am so sorry to hear of troubles with your son. The…
  • Hello ladies. Been a crappy few days here, weatherwise so stuck inside. @Ellen sorry to hear of all your troubles this summer. Am thinking of you. @Karla glad the scale is finally moving for you. Hopefully you'll get the ulcer sorted out soon. @Janice you make me tired with all that you do. Good for you! Left the IF too…
  • I also have hip to hip scar. 3 ectopic pregnancies removed, 2 c-sections, hysterectomy, 2 ovarian cyst removal surgeries, & finally ovaries removed all on same scar. Should have just put a zipper in. Muscles definitely cut. My pooch has gotten slightly smaller, but Dr told me it's there for life & too much ab work could…
  • my goal was to increase water intake. Glad to say I've done 2 qts most days & am now aiming for 1 more qt which = 96 oz. And most days am only doing 1 diet coke (slip sometimes to 2 or 3 tho, darn it).
  • Good for you Janice. I think re-entering the dating scene would be a little off putting, but have fun. Lot's & lot's of fun, lol. After 32 yrs with hubby, I'd be nervous too.
  • Welcome Lozzie. I hate being the grownup, too. Had to take a mouse out of my basement while adult son watched from a distance cause he doesn't like them. Neither do I, but one of us had to be the adult, lol.
  • Welcome new ladies. I'm Kathie from north western Saskatchewan, Canada. I agree with Janice, the help, advice, & support from this group is phenomenal. I've been chatting with the ladies here since mid April. My weight loss hasn't been huge (21 lbs), but I feel great! @Janice. My cucumbers were so late starting & the…
  • Good morning ladies. Sad to see that interest in our little group is waning. Thanks for all the tips & advice. Really enjoyed chatting with all of you. Best of luck to everyone in the future. Will keep up with MFP friends on other posts.
  • I live on a farm in northwest Saskatchewan, Canada. Am not looking forward to our long, cold winter.
  • I'm trying to get 100 oz in, but usually 64 oz water, 1 pot black coffee, 1 BPC, & 2 diet cokes per day. I'm definitely counting the steps to & from the loo, lol.
  • Liking the leaf blower idea, lol.
  • @Mami1976D I lost 3 initially, then gained 2 back. But I did overdo carbs on weekend. Then was down 2 before the whole "as your stomach turns" episode. I 've been playing with 2 stupid lbs for a month now. Will go back LCHF tomorrow & keep with that. Was still not feeling great today, so Epsom salt bath tonight (magnesium)…
  • Last week only managed 3 days, then had veggies, fruit, & dip on 3rd night. But I was down 3,lbs. Then tried again this week, Day 1 was good down 2 next morning. But yesterday didn't get lunch til 4 pm (2 hard boiled eggs with 2 tbsp mayo), within an hour I started throwing up (sorry TMI). This lasted several hours. Don't…
  • Hello ladies. Sun's finally out so sitting on my deck procrastinating. Have to get at house & yard but BPC in the sun is far more appealing. My daughter is back in class & seems more settled, thank goodness. The poor thing is extremely directionally challenged & I've already had a call this morning cause she was lost on…
  • Great pictures Janice. Sorry the flooding keeps getting your workplace. It's poured rain here since Fri night so walks/yardwork/gardening are out for a few days. If my basement floods everybody better grab a canoe. My house sits on a hill (essentially a big gravel pile). Kids finally settled in their new place (in my…
  • Hello everyone. Checking in after my week at daughter's. Only did egg fast for 2 days, will try this week again. Pouring rain for 2 days now, so digging up carrots, beets, & potatoes will have to wait. Actually got below 0 the other night, so am assuming no cucumbers for me. SIL brought me some to make relish, thank…
  • Welcome to all the lovely new ladies. Glad you found us. @Karla a 2" drop in your waist is phenomenal! Measuring for me is hit & miss. I don't seem to hit the same spot each time & drawing lines to follow with a sharpie marker doesn't seem such a good idea either. So Day 2 of the egg fast is done. 2 eggs, BPC-breakfast;…