As soon as I can fit into the next size down, I find I don't want to wear the big ones anymore lol! But I've not reached my goal yet and I'm still losing weight, so my wardrobe is constantly downsizing.
thanks for sharing :)
Yes! I can definitely see a difference if I don't drink enough water. I find it I get sick of the taste, a small dash of cordial or a slice or orange makes it taste nice :)
4 in my Navel (looks like a star), Tongue, Nose, 3 lower lobe piercings each ear, LH tragaus, LH upper cartlage, RH Tragus, RH Rook (my fave and 18 months ago I got the middle of my lip pierced....17 so far ;)
*like* what a great read, thanks for sharing :)
bump....thanks for sharing :)
WOW! thanks for sharing!