

  • Hey, feel free to add. I do keep my food diary private (I just prefer it that way) but I'm on here a ton and love the support!
  • Side note: I LOVE that stripped dress and that awesome corset (is that what it is?) with the blazer! super hooooot. Confidence and awesome style always shaves off about 20 pounds :)
  • 25 and just getting started on here. Definitely add!
  • My main thing will be running, which I'll do about 5 days a week. I honestly want to run everyday now because it just makes me feel good, but I'm being really diligent about giving rest days. I'm just starting and building mileage I don't want to wear my feet and shins out too much. So I probably run 5 days a week, with…
  • Hey, I'm in a similar situation. I'm looking to lose about 20-25 to get to my goal weight. I actually threw my scale out last summer but recently ordered another one which arrived today. I'll weigh myself tomorrow when I wake up to see what my actual starting point will be. Then we'll hopefully see it go down. :) I'm also…
  • Hey! I just started up the other day and would love to add some more encouragement. I'm also about 20 pounds from my goal weight :)
  • Hey, just added you but if others swing by this topic, definitely add me. I'm 25 and have slowly been gaining weight over the past few years. It's not the best feeling so I'm trying to get back to running and eating well.
  • 25 so I barely made the cut off :) I'm also in grad school and looking to lose some weight before I have a million weddings this summer (and therefore a million pictures) Definitely add me. I've started and stopped fitnesspal in the past so maybe getting some "friends" on here will help me stay focused.
  • I also get extra hungry after running so I let myself have an extra snack. My hunger then evens out and overall it doesn't set me back. I just always want to make sure my body has enough to heal up after increasing mileage so I can keep going. I'm a big fan of eggs, carrots, apples in a small wheat pita with PB, and Kashi…
  • This isn't meal advice, but I also just got back into running and I have to recommend an app called RunKeeper. It's free and so incredibly helpful. It tracks miles, GPSes your route, your pace, etc. It even sends you reminders if you've missed a few days. I'm loving it and its definitely keeping me in track simply because…