

  • Hello! My name is Stephanie. I am 4ft 9in, I weigh 123 right now, I was 140 last March. I have been slowly and steadily trying to get healthy. My goal is 115 right now, eventually 100-110. I have pretty much come to terms with my height, I have a short mother and relatively short family. But the short jokes get old and I…
  • Hi there! My name is Stephanie and I am a recovering EDNOS... I struggled for YEARS with it, was hospitalized for 3 months and then steadily gain weight after treatment. The only issue is... after treatment I gained and gained. I was so mad that the hospital did this to me, then realized I have been doing it to myself. I…
  • Hi there! I am new to the site, well, new to the whole branching out and talking to people on here. lol I am looking forward to this year as being MY year... ya know?? I wanna hit my goal weight and just generally feel better about myself! I was hoping maybe we can message each other and keep motivated together?? :)…