CareyGay Member


  • I have plenty of hated exercises. Mostly ones that I feel that I can't do. Until this week, I wouldn't even try lunges or push ups. I've always had balance issues with lunges, plus I had 2 inches of bone cut out of my right femur so my knees aren't level, makes lunges hard for me. And push ups, I've never had the upper…
  • I understand what you mean. I've set the goal of 100 lbs, by the end of the year. I've lost 9 so far, but I feel like it should be more. I'm improving in other areas, I can go up the stairs w/o panting and pausing halfway up. Last weekend, I went to the park with my family. My goal was to walk a mile in less than 20…
  • I'm on Day 2, Level 1. It really feels great when I've completed it. I've already decided that I need to get more of her workouts. I watched level 2, to so I'll know what to expect. And to help decide when to advance. I can't believe how much easier Day 2 was. I didn't stop but once today. Yesterday I stopped probably once…
  • I weighed in at 250.0 today. I'm well not glad that there are others starting from such a high weight but it's good to know that I'm not the only one. I've got a bet going with my Daddy, the first to lost 50 wins. No prize but that's okay. I've been working with a trainer since November to help teach me how to work out,…
  • So far it seems like I've got the longest way to go. My goal is to lose 100 lbs by the time I finish studying for my Bachelor's, which will be in March 2013. So far I've lost about 9 lbs. Just started this fitness pal yesterday, hoping that it'll help me keep on track.