

  • I stop mine right away unless I do stretches and stomach crunches. The heart rate does stay up and calories are burned if the stretches are strenuous enough.
  • I have always had a low resting heart rate (45-47) even before adopting running and cycling. My mother ran low also. So I do believe there is some genetics involved. I wear a HRM when I do workouts indoors at a health club and I can get it quite high (160-170) and it does not take long to get it down to a normal rate when…
  • I have the polar F-6, but if I had it to do again I would get the F-7 only because it has a chest strap that I think would fit me better. Both are very good at tracking calories, etc. Can't go wrong with either one.
  • About 145 back in the early 80s.
  • After going through a sleep study, I was diagnosed with RLS several years ago and took that drug for Parkinson's for a while. it really didn't work for me so I went off the drug and have been coping with the syndrome ever since. I do a lot of bicycling in the summer and have logged 3,500 miles, so the worst time for me is…
  • I never see anyone's food diary that is not hidden. Just curious, where are the ones that are not hidden at. They are not in the home page.
  • You should add weight training to your regimen, preferably on the days you don't run on the treadmill. If you are a member of a health club, there are personal trainers to get you started. I have some ideas for you if you don't have access to a health club. Let me know.