Saw these links in a post by Heybales that basically say that 1 set to fatigue compared to 3 sets saw equal or better strength gains, and more fat loss, in recreationally active lifters. The volume gets a bit annoying in Week5 of the cycles, so I was wondering if it would be interesting to get a bit of a change by shifting…
tagging, optimistic that I'll need this one day!
That's great, MyIdaho - hope things go well with your routine. And I'm glad I could help! Maybe I should embroider that line on a pillowcase myself, for moments of self doubt! I plan to start squatting again in a week or so, to test whether the leg-presses have helped. There is an excellent article, by the way, by Lyle…
I began AllPro around 5 months after a ligament tear in my thigh with a dodgy shoulder pain that was plaguing me some 10 months after I wrenched it. I began with very light weights - and while sometimes I wonder at my (relative) weakness I have now doubled the weights I began with, so while the going is slow, at least it…
tagging to read later
I thought about this when I started out monitoring my weight last year - on one hand, weighing daily could lead to a kind of obsessive behaviour and I might find myself dreading the scale every day. On the other hand, weekly weights may also lead to some confusion because of hormonal fluctuations during the month. So I…
Haha, me too! I now religiously prelog my icecream for the night and work my diet around that. I don't think I've had as much icecream in my entire life as I have had since I read Sara's journey
As I read it, the study assumes that the single-point data collected can be extrapolated for decades - that the participants in the survey continued to eat high protein or low protein, as they had reported. First of all, that is a not a tenable assumption. But assuming that is true, then how does the recommendation of…
This report here has a more measured coverage of that study
wonderful stories, thank you
wonderful stories, thank you
Thanks for all your inputs. Rayman, your explanation was most interesting - thanks for the detailed answer.
Anecdotally - i know of people whose cholesterol levels have dropped at least 10% after taking psyllium. I'd suggest you don't start with a very high dose - just 5 gm per day till your tummy gets used to it. You need to mix it with a lot of water and glug it while it's still a suspension - before it starts to solidify into…
Worth having it checked out - I discovered I had cervical spondylosis after my neck felt stiff and painful - the muscles go into a spasm around the neck/shoulder What did you mean by "cracking" the neck or back? I didn't understand that If it is only stiff and not painful, it could be worth doing some yoga for the…
thanks all for sharing, very interesting stuff
Thanks for the suggestions, sjohnny II was listening to a couple of youtubes in which Bret Contreras talks bout the knee-out-cue and when he stood up, on both the videos, there was an audible creak and groan - which oddly comforted me - he's so fit and clearly wasn't in pain, so the crunch by itself, while it sounds…
tagging <crunch/grind/creak sound effects from me too>
Thanks, Sara, that is so useful to know
Karin, that's excellent - so pleased for you!
Thanks Sara. So if I'm a woman at 35%BF then it's okay to have a little less than 1g per LBM as protein, yes? At what BF is a woman not overfat, when it would become important to ensure the 1gm/lb LBM then? Around 30% or even less?
Thanks Sara, that was great One question. You said Would average/overweight/obese be per BMI recommendations? Or are there BodyFat cutoffs for estimating when one is overweight versus obese?
Thanks Sara, I'll look for the link. As I recall, it said something about how tightening the glutes would automatically cause the quads to get activated - am doing that as I type, hoping I can translate the sensation into words. If I do the French Legionnaire manoeuvre (pretending there's a coin clenched that will fall if…
Oh, this gives me hope too. I have a smallish bar and weights at home but I have been using the gym dumbbells for months. I keep feeling it will be tougher to transition to the bar, that the weight on my back will feel odd and my squat form will go to pot. I didn't realize it could be tougher with dumbbells - having a very…
Thanks Sara
You look great, fab progress. I wish I had had a cruise to inspire me too!
You look great and I am pleased to see that AllPro has worked so well for you - gives me hope for myself with the SBR!