

  • I am "cursed" as well with the big boob problem. I am a 32G and that is definitely a bit higher than normal. but 30 pounds ago I was a 32 DD to a DDD so it didn't make much of a difference. If you boobs are naturally big then they will stay that way even when you lose weight. And if you are like me being only 32 inches…
  • I'm in! can't believe I am committing myself to this but I will certainly try my hardest.
  • DON'T weigh yourself everyday. The scale is much too sensitive. You will find yourself going up and down depending on things like sodium intake for a day etc. Its best to weigh yourself once a week for the most accurate reflection of weightloss. Also, you usually weigh your heaviest at night and after meals. I weigh myself…
  • I grew up with an overweight sister. My whole family has never been the healthiest but since puberty she has always been at least 100 pounds over me. Never feel guilty for your success. Its your life and your health, but if you get along well with her why not try a little encouragement. Never be pushy or make her feel bad…