

  • Make sure you have the healthy things to snack on crisp veggies, maybe some watermelon or cantelope. Celery sticks require a lot of work to eat and might help. Lots and lots of water works for me. I know these are not the things your craving but maybe it will help.
  • Hey Jessesgirl, MFP works, too. I have a couple of friends who did the HCG diet and they lost weight, one of them alot of weight. That is great for them but it has not been very long ago, so don't know if they will keep it off. But, I know I have fought my weight for the last 10 years, up and down many times on different…
  • Are you eating your exercise calories? I know it sounds crazy but you really do have to eat enough or you will not lose. Also, are you drinking enough water? Your body is amazing and it will try to protect itself by hanging onto what it needs! I had the same issue and when I do it right it comes off at a good pace.
  • I am so sorry for your loss. There are no words that will make the pain better and you will probably never understand why. Know that you are never alone, as the Lord is by your side always. So, talk even when there is no one around, because he hears you and cares. Reach out to those close to you for support as you grieve…
  • I was not eating my exercise calories and my weight was not coming off, the first week I actually weighed more. Then I read that was what you were suppose to do, started doing that and the weight is coming off now. Your body is very smart and sets itself to self preservation, so if it thinks you are starving it, it will…