

  • Howdie. I'm 40 and a momma to 3 kiddos. I had friends who were exotic dancers and feature performers, so I was obsessed with pole for many years but never imagined how I could do it--there were no classes to learn pole at that time. Then a few years ago, pole fitness became the new craze and I was so excited that I could…
  • I have days like that too where I feel like I am not progressing and it is sooooo frustrating! But for me it is the opposite...I can do things in class but at home when I go to do them I can never do it! I've actually come to despise practicing at home because of this issue. I too am one of the oldest in my class with no…
  • Hi I've been poling about 2 1/2 years :) Here's my 2 cents Splits take some time. I am currently working towards getting mine and I know it will probably take several months for me to get there. I have really tight muscles and some past muscle injuries to push through. Flexibility in general comes with weekly streching and…
  • Hi I'm Heth Mama to 3 kiddos, 40 years old. I started poling 2 1/2 years ago and it was an on and off thing for the first couple years but the last few months, I have gotten seriously consistent with it. I am currently poling at a local studio 1x a week and try to practice 1-2x a week at home as well. I am currently at…