

  • i like this thread. i love that you started with accomplishments and encouragements! very important in daily life! so here's mine: i doubled up on my water yesterday. i'll shooting for at least that today too. i shared mfp with someone who could use it...but might not. but it's just a way to encourage fantastic behavior. i…
  • THAT is really great...deciding you aren't gonna cheat and being so open about it! a friend and i were talking and decided that people lie to themselves more than anyone else!! soooo...GOOD FOR YOU!! way to be up front and honest with yourself!!
  • Nice to meet you guys! I'm new here too. I had an account a while back, but I just started using it again. Yeah, healthy is the way to go!! Nice to social with some like-minded folks!! GOOD LUCK!!
  • i've heard of wheat belly....and read an article by the author. i would like to look into the book, but haven't as of yet. i've been eating gluten free and i have dropped some weight...but what i notice most is the pain in my hips and knees has been reduced significantly!!