cjipping Member


  • I am also restarting tomorrow. I am doing the kickstart meal plan, but with more protein/fat (more calories). It would be great to have some accountability friends!
  • Hi everyone, i just started NROL4W and need some lifting friends. Feel free to add me! Thanks!
  • My back is feeling much better. Never really figured out why it hurt so bad ( it did happen during that TOM but i've never experienced anything like that before). Anyways, i pretty much stuck with with my calorie goal and still lost another pound last week. Down 5 lbs in two weeks, woohoo! Starting week 2 tomorrow! Going…
  • Anyone experiencing lower back pain? A couple days ago i started to have some lower back pain, its not excruciating, but enough to be taking some ibuprofen. My husband says its probably the weakest part of my body and it's just sore from building the muscles back. I took yesterday as my off day and still woke up this…
  • Hows it going for everyone? I feel like i'm getting more endurance, even though its only been 4 days. Its really hard not to get on the scale but i want to wait until Sunday.
  • Did workout 2 and cardio 1 today, whew! I'm doing the 7 day kickstart, any one have ideas for snacks because i can't eat nuts or garbanzo beans (hummus). I've made boiled eggs and veggies, but am looking for some other ideas.
  • I just started day 1 today, are you doing the 7 day kick start program?
  • I was a rower in high school and college. The biggest thing is to make sure you have good technique. I used to coach high school freshman and how I would explain it to them is: pretend you are wearing a really tight pencil skirt and while standing there you drop your pen. How you pick it up is how you should row. Arms out…
    in Rowing Comment by cjipping April 2012
  • Happens with me a lot when I use my abluterol inhaler, i get really shaky too. I think the increase heart rate has something to do with it being a steroid. I'm not a doctor so don't quote me on that. I've had asthma my whole life and I still get that feeling every time I use it. Let me know if you find out that this isn't…
  • I ran a mile to warm up before and i can tell between that and the shred my legs and arms are going to be sore! Excited to stick with it and get results!
  • I just started today too! Finished up about 10 mins ago.
  • I'm going to the midnight showing on Thursday! Woooooo, so excited! I'm dragging along my husband who has no idea what he's getting into, lol.
  • Thanks! Here's the link to the recipe: http://friskylemon.com/2012/02/08/coconut-cake-bars/ I also realized i spelled flour like "flower", hahha opps.
  • Yea i tried the "i'm doing a lifestyle change" thing with my family and every week or so they ask "how's your diet going....i mean your 'lifestyle change' " (using finger quotes and everything, very dramatic). Lets just say that's getting old really quick. I just switched to telling people that "I was having stomach issues…
  • I work in skin care and cosmetics, and tanning, even if its just "to get a base" or for a special occasion adds 17 YEARS to the age of your skin. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be pale than look 17 years older than i am :)
  • I have a large Amway business :) Get to enjoy life everyday!
  • THANK YOU!! That's amazing I would have never thought of using cauliflower. My step dad is middle eastern and I grew up eating tons of middle eastern cuisine. I hate not being able to eat all the yummy things that are full of rice and bread when the family gets together, I have serious will power when I say no thank you to…
  • I did today for breakfast, and lunch a little bit. Just ended my 30 day paleo challenge yesterday. I though i "deserved" to splurge today so i got a mocha latte and croissant for breakfast and ate a couple cookies at work. I feel like i got hit over the head with something giant. My head is throbbing, having trouble…
  • Thanks for all your help. Things are going much better now. I need to cut back on my fruit intake though, the past week I kind of over did it on fruit, about 3-4 servings a day. This is the last week of my 30 day challenge, and I can really see myself eating like this for the rest of my life.
  • I see there is a barbed wire crawl at the end of the race, has anyone done this? Did anyone get cut on the wire?
  • http://nomnompaleo.com/post/3082537932/quick-and-simple-stir-fried-kale-and-bacon Seriously amazing!
  • Yea, I wasn't planning on having my free meal include wheat or any gluten, I was thinking more dairy products...mostly cheese. I've cut out dairy except for the occasional grass-fed butter in a recipe, so i was thinking about making a meal with cheese or heavy cream.
  • I LOVE your board!
  • yikes...carb flu. So I probably shouldn't have a "free" meal this weekend huh? Ok i tried the diary thing again, hopefully it worked this time.
  • oh sorry i didn't realize my diary wasn't public, i changed it now. I've been eating anywhere from 1300-1800 cals a day. yesterday was a low day bc i was so busy at work.
  • try putting them in the refrigerator, that's what we do. If i take them on an empty stomach i still get the burp but not when i take them with a meal. I agree that you get what you pay for!
  • Challenge Launch Party Monday night @ 8:30pm eastern time!!! So excited about this challenge it is going to be awesome! Message me for details
  • Challenge Launch Party Monday night @ 8:30pm eastern time!!! So excited about this challenge it is going to be awesome! Message me for details