momof3hawks Member


  • We've had comcast for years and I never knew this! Thank-you so much for sharing the info....I can't wait to try some of the videos out. :happy:
  • When I do an eliptical for 60 minutes it says I burned 800 cal. Divide that by the 60 minutes and multiply what you get by your 12 minutes and it comes to 173 calories. That is a wonderful amount to burn for such a short time. Way to Go!! :glasses:
  • I agree, go on out and show the weather who's boss. If it would clear my head and help me think, I would definately take on some raindrops. :glasses:
  • When instead of people thinking you are in your 50s the mistake you for being in your late 20s!!!! Yes, this has happened and I was 36 when they thought I was in my 50s. 3 years later I had lost enough to have people think I was in my late 20s. Nice boost to the ego when youre getting ready to turn the big 4-0! :blushing:…
  • Hi!, I am brand new to the site and trying to find my way around. I look forward to journeying with you.
  • I think it just depends on your goal...weight loss, heart know that sort of stuff. I had my cardiologist's nurse tell me to think about it this way: If we wear a pedometer and walk our goal number of steps per day; this counts for heart health minimums. She said she wears one and usually walks 3 to 5 miles…