PAWeissenstein Member


  • Add diced fruit and some raw honey. Let it sit overnight and have it as a dessert. Also add some lentils to it and have as a snack or lunch for a super protein packed meal.
  • For some reason I have found that crisp apples - NOT apple crisp ;-) seem to do the trick. The crunch has a good mouth feel, they are filling and they do not boost sugar too high which means that you don't crash and start eating everything in sight. Bananas or a small yogurt do the trick as well. For some reason oranges…
  • I'd stalk her right back/! :-)
  • Try either almond or coconut milk - even the sweetened varieties have far fewer calories than what you are using. You can use the unsweetened and then some stevia or monkfruit which are much better than artificial sweeteners or sugar. I prefer So Delicious brand coconut milk creamer when I need creamer. Works like half and…
  • I had someone on a bus tell me I was fat. My response was "I'm fat. You're ugly. I can diet." She got up and off the bus. I was much younger then and yes - maybe it was cruel but that was then. This is now. I hope I've grown up somewhat in the last 30 plus years.
  • cschiff - how did it work out with the flax? How did you prep your flax? From seed or do you use something else?
  • A stuffed one. It's a Gund. We used to have a (live) dachshund who jumped out of the car one day and got hit crossing the highway. Next we had a cocker spaniel who should have been called a pisser spaniel because he was so happy that he peed everywhere on everyone! We gave him away to people who had a farm where he could…
  • Listen - everyone's journey is different. Your boyfriend's mother may have some conditions that still justify her using the handicap spot even at the gym. It may also be force of habit. For some gastric bypass and other weight loss surgeries are the only way they can lose weight. However they also have to embrace that…
  • Coffee pods. They are getting harder to find because of K-Cups but the pre-made pods are biodegradable and I use them in my compost. My Mom loves hazelnut coffee and I like plain so I am able to customize breakfast. Also there is a company that now makes K-Cups which are 97% biodegradable. You can also find a machine that…
  • The brands that I prefer are: 1. Thorne Research - Vegalite 2. Designs for Health PaleoMeal DF 3. Virgin Diet 4. Amazing Grass Meal Replacement All are extremely high quality pea and/or rice protein. They are available in at least two flavors (some in more) and are dairy (whey) free. I personally mix them up with a little…
  • Wait - there's flirting here on MFP? Wow I didn't know that! :laugh:
  • In response to Don't ever go to a Planet Fitness. Holy love of Jesus. I don't even know where to start....." I disagree.However if you are going to go to a Planet Fitness then talk to some of the staff members first and find out when the quietest or best times are to go work out there for your needs. My local Planet…
  • First - you might do better if you try and break your meals down to five or six times a day. Of course if you are an insulin dependent diabetic you have to talk with your doctor or endocrinologist about that first. Otherwise you will need to stick to the three to four meal schedule like I have to do. Second - at night (or…
  • All of the above but also try it with a squirt of lemon juice and a teaspoon of mayonnaise. My parents used to serve it that way to my brothers and me for a quick breakfast. The other thing to remember is that, like an apple, avocado oxidizes rather quickly so the lemon will prevent that. This is very important especially…
  • Yvonne and the rest of you on the 100 pound /50 kilo plus journey - For all of you - congratulations on every pound you have lost to date. Last September I was 378 pounds / 171.46 kilos and am now down to 328 pounds / 148.78 kilos. As an out of shape diabetic with other health issues which took me into the hospital last…
  • OK - So winter is over here in the Northern Hemisphere or at least in North America. And many people start to pack up their Crock-Pots (slow cookers) and put them away until the fall. DON'T! One of the biggest sabotagers in any weight loss program is the five finger taste test - you know - where you just have to taste what…
  • Jen - are you losing the weight and getting healthier for you or for your mother? The heck with it - just get the scale if you want one...and if you decide it isn't for you then don't feel bad. Life is a journey and every so often you come to a fork in the road. The sign and everyone you know encourages you to take the…
  • Look on - depending upon what you are looking for exactly (something to use in the microwave or something you will use on the stovetop or something that is a standalone steamer) you can find them for anywhere from $11 to $71 and more. $11 will get you a microwave insert. Personally when I steam in the microwave…
  • Not too much - right... I would like to see good health for my friends and family; a cure for Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease and Dementia/Alzheimers. I also would like to see all of us on this weight loss journey continue successfully towards our goals and achieve them. I want a job. It was 3 years ago today that the…
  • For me it was easy. I started to notice when my pants kept sliding down and I had to purchase a pair of suspenders (braces)!!! I guess it depends where you are losing it from. If you are losing it from up top you might not notice it as quickly... All I can say is measurements! Get a tape measure and measure your neck,…
  • One other thing I just realized this morning that I am doing and that is entering my foods into MFP (on phone or on computer) BEFORE I take even the first bite. It does make you more aware about what you are going to put into your mouth... And, if you eat less or more, you can always go back and change the values or foods…
  • Feel free to friend me. Yes - having people to talk with and who support/motivate/encourage you is one of the best things about this site. Just remember - when things get tough don't give up and keep logging in. Do the food diary and at least make it visible to your friends here on the site if not to everyone. Best of luck…
  • Thelma - I remember reading something many many years ago that any intensive exercise will indeed mute your appetite - similar to an adrenaline rush - except you aren't stating if you are hungry once the rush of the workout is gone. You also say you drink lots of water. To be a bit flippant - "My name is Peter and I used…
  • I'm more than happy to join you on this journey. Feel free to add me!
  • Feel free to add me as a friend as well. The more the merrier!
  • Count me in. I think the more friends the better on this voyage! We can all inspire and help each other so feel free to friend me.
  • Definitely would love to be a part of this. I spend WAY to much time on Facebook so this would actually give FB a bit more value as well :-) Thanks.
  • Smartphone, dataplan (even if it is a prepaid phone/plan) and MFP on the phone. If you enter your food, etc while on the go and don't wait until you get to a computer then you will eat less especially when dining out. I saw this myself during the week when I ate out twice (once in a restaurant and once at a friend's house)…
  • Count me in! I have to drop 100 lbs + .