I try to keep my kids eating organic, so when they're ill I generally give them coconut water to replace their electrolytes(instead of Pedialite-too much sugar- my sons 5 and his pediatrician said its probably a good thing- I've been doing it since he was about 1 ) unless they're not eating than they get pediasmart. I love…
I am so getting this app. I generally pull of the appearance of the girl who wears 5 inch heels and loves the brand coach, but I am also a huge nerd at heart. I love playing Magic, D&D, and Oblivion. SO role-playing while running, awesomeness.
I find this amusing sine I don't tan often but being Anemic and genetically prone to being insanely pale, I was seriously just thinking about tanning, (In my defense I had 5 people asking me if I was starring in the next twilight movie.) However, I might just go with the whole pale vampire look instead.
haha, my fears are completely irrational- frogs, feet, and oompa loompas (my not irrational fear, disappointing people)
Honestly, If you want to place half-naked pictures of yourself, I do not care. I personally wouldn't do it as I have an impressionable almost 2 year old little girl. Sure once I'm back to normal I'll wear a bikini to the beach, however, I won't be posting the pics online.
I was 209, and am now 148 or below that, I made my profile my now picture of my stomach. Strength training is big on getting rid of the skin as well as yoga/or Pilates this is after two kids, I didn't know how to just load the picture here so I made it my profile pic for you.
hence the / belief.* I am intelligent, do not assume otherwise. You just pointed out a flaw in my post in which did not exist, seems childish and ignorant. I will not reply to you furthermore, you can argue with yourself if you would like, just don't insult me with an inaccurate insult. I have a lot of flaws if you want to…
sorry my computer is being temperamental and didn't post my whole response or let me quote you, so I rewrote my message.
I actually was in a very similar situation, although we never actually dated(we both wanted to but the religion thing was our deal breaker) because the guy was antagonistic, and I am a christian (he termed it uber-religous)and he said he'd never let his kids believe in that stuff. I started dating a different guy who I had…
Ashely I understand the sagginess issue trust me it will go away I promise, mines starting as for stretch marks those are your damn battle scars be proud!
I honestly do not know any more, it darkened after each kid and I can not get it right so I just dye it random colors(generally nothing crazier than auburn/red
1.) I say I'm trying to get fit to be healthy for my kids but in all honesty, I'm just shallow. 2.)I went from being one of the most confident people in the world to having no confidence after having my daughter, and wonder if I will ever feel pretty again.. 3.) I told some one I loved(friends wise) that I truly regretted…
#2 heck yes, I tried to quote the women who said she grocery shops in work-out clothes so she feels obligated to buy healthy items, I am going to try this:)- that's awesome!
cool water
Right now I am a little smaller than your before picture, you just made my day! What did you do?
1200, and I weigh 148, goal of 137 :) lose on avg. 2 lbs per week
when my son got the chicken pox(he was vaccinated just has a weak immune system) he wouldn't eat anything. His pediatrician suggested that I feed him smoothies(healthy) and pediasmart (organic version of pedia sure) it worked really good and I managed to get all of what he needed in him that way. but i'd talk to his ped.
use (granted its this sites competitor) but is exclusively for pregnant and breastfeeding moms.
over 6'3 long hair= awesome, under 6' not so much
I was 18 he was 20. We dated 4 months. our engagement was 1 month(we we're married on his R and R from Iraq.) so I was married at 18 and he was 20. We're coming up on our 7th year of marriage on September 19th :)
No you're not crazy. I felt the same way but after losing 15 pounds of my 31 I want to I don't feel so self-conscious. I home school my son and added Physical training/education an hour each day to his curriculum, and I now do that with him on top of my P90x. Today we turned on some music and danced like we were crazy.…
It might be your body has just settled into your p90x routine. I would mix it up.