

  • Thanks everyone, I think I just have to give it time to figure everything out! It's so confusing, I go over my calories or eat a lot but then I lose... or I gain... my weight fluctuates so much but I tried eating more yesterday and it definetly made me feel better even though I feel like I ate too much, I felt more like…
  • Love the website! What I can't figure out is my activity level, I have a desk job but I run 45 minutes every day (7 days a week and on the weekends sometimes longer, also trying to start incorporating weight lifting in addition to it all) and sometimes also go for a little extra walk, so I'm not sure what my activity level…
  • I'm the same way, I'm getting hungrier the longer I've been eating healthy! And I like to save my calories for night time too! Nice to see someone else in the same boat! And I'm just as obsessed haha =)
    in Obsessed Comment by jxessxy May 2011