Name: Kirsty Reddit Username: aphrael Male/Female? - Age? Female, 28 Where ya from?: Originally Adelaide, Australia, currently living in Berkeley, CA.
Completed Day 1 today also! Found it pretty tough, tbh (I'm so unfit!) and I didn't have any weights. Eyeing up some cans of tomato soup in the pantry, as I also don't have any idea what size weights to get!
I, too, am a redditor :)
I use it to help me poop! Haha. I have a tablespoon in a glass of water when I need to get things moving. Works like a charm. Never used it for any other purpose.
I love Berkeley Bowl! But not as much as I love Trader Joe's :P I will try a Pinot Grigio, thanks for the advice! I've never been to Walnut Creek, is there anything there worth seeing?
I'm super classy, so I've had a glass or two of "Two Buck Chuck". I'm not a huge fan of wine, or drinking in general, but I feel as though now I'm in California I should be trying some of the wines here. Any recommendations? I only really like white, and I like it to be a little sweet, but not too sweet.
Hi everyone :)