

  • ok.....I figured out my problem. It's the raw spinach. I just started adding it 2 days a go and that is it. DARN! Oh well! Nothing taste as good as being healthy!
  • ok.....I figured out my problem. It's the raw spinach. I just started adding it 2 days a go and that is it. DARN! Oh well! Nothing taste as good as being healthy!
  • ok.....I figured out my problem. It's the raw spinach. I just started adding it 2 days a go and that is it. DARN! Oh well! Nothing taste as good as being healthy!
  • I know this post was 2 years ago, but I am now going through the exact same thing. Before this issue came up, I was eating salad and tomatoes and all. On Sept 1st, I started an heerb cleanse and raw diet. For 21 days, I took dherbs throughout the day. I also drank a raw veggie/fruit drink for breakfast and dinner. For…