

  • I wish you, Amanda & everyone else good luck! I was asked a couple weeks ago to be a bridesmaid July 12, 2014. So, I got fitted last weekend for my dress & it was a size 12. I was horrified. I use to be an 8 and now a 12. Smh...I have got to do something about this winter insulation I have packed on. Lets encourage one…
  • Ok..thanks everyone that responded!! I just wanted to make sure I could trust it. Although, all my rooms are carpeted even the one I use the Wii Fit in.
  • I eat my laughing cow the same way...you are not alone! LOL
  • Thanks!!! I'm making a note of it!
  • Excellent! I began at 145 & wanted to lose down to 130. That's the weight that I felt the most comfortable, conditioned, and (I feel) looked the best. Your pictures and testimony shows that it is possible, which I find very encouraging. I've only dropped 2lbs so far, but every little bit counts! Thanks again for your…
  • This forum is helpful because I was just told I had the same thing...my kitchen is empty right now. Have you changed your groceries much, or just cut back on certain things that you had been eating? I'm searching for different methods that may help me cope better...as we know it always seems easier to cut back on what you…