

  • Homemade yoghurt sounds interesting though! I do love a good kitchen experiment. I may have to try this...
  • I always drink the tap water at home (I was living at the same place during my last MFP journey) or from the fountain at work (I've worked here since January). The problem only started since I started back on MFP. I don't take any supplements, aside from the last 3 days of metamucil to see if it would help I haven't taken…
  • Just a little TMI update if anyone is interested. If someone else is dealing with something similar, hopefully this may help as the suggestions made are GREAT. They're just not working for me yet.: Increased my water from about 1 - 1.5 litres (40-48oz) per day to about 2-2.5 litres (80-88oz) per day. On day 3. Nothing yet.…
  • As above, there should be chicken thigh meat by cup measure when you do a search. If it helps at all with "eyeballing" and conversion, I have found that in my small-ish hand, a palm sized, flat piece of chicken breast is usually about 4oz or about 1/2 cup. This make it an approximately 2.5" x 2.5" x 0.5" piece of chicken…
  • Thank you for those suggestions. I really appreciate it. I think I'll do both prunes/increase water and the dr and see what happens.
  • I'm 5'5" and my MFP put my limit at 1200. ! checked in at 166lbs and I lost 10lbs in 6 weeks (then put on 1lb over Christmas - whoops!). If I exercise, I just make sure I eat my exercise calories as well to keep myself around 1200. I do go a little over and a little under that at times, but I've been pretty consistent. My…
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