

  • Nutrition Diva often offers a reasoned and informed analysis of the various pros and cons of diet claims. She does so once again with her article on Coconut Oil. Give it a read: http://nutritiondiva.quickanddirtytips.com/benefits-of-coconut-oil.aspx
  • Oh, yeah - Cereal is a killer for me, too. I DO eat 3 or 4 bowls when I get going - so I have to stick to Puffed Wheat with a bit of Brown Sugar or Cornflakes. Even then...it adds up fast!
  • Pasta and home-made biscuits call out to me. I can hear them saying "eat more"!!! :) I offset this by eating my fill of low-starch veggies first (my favs are spinach, asparagus, and broccoli)...then I eat a cup or two of pasta and or a biscuit or two (but hopefully not three or four!!!)