malston40 Member


  • I was obsessed too and I would weigh myself 4 times a day. With all that I still wasn't losing any weight. So I asked my husband to hide the scale. I measured my success by my clothes and by doing this I was successful. A year later I have kept it off without the scale. I stay aware of how much I am eating, so I stay on…
  • I was obsessed with my scale. I was checking everytime I went into the bathroom. I decided to put it away for a month and try to lose weight without the pressure. I lost 7 lbs that way. Without the scale to tell me if I did good or not I could control my day. I didn't beat myself up so no emotional eating.
  • I eat oatmeal every morning and love it. I prep on Sunday all my bowls for the week so I have no excuse. I use instant and microwave for 45 seconds. Once it comes out I stir some peanut butter in it. It tastes like heaven!!!