OnyxPenguin Member


  • I tend to try to balance it by putting in the time that I'm actually skiing not sitting on the lift. I think the calories burnt are for the time actually skiing. I took my heart rate montior out on the hill one day though and burnt about 1400 calories in about 6 hours on the hill, including chairlift, lunch and warm up…
  • I've kept one pair of jeans that's one size bigger than I currently am and have donated/trashed everything larger. I consider these my "red alert jeans." If I hit a point where I need to get them out again, then I need to re-evaluate any slips in my lifestyle.
  • I'm 5'6" and started at 164! 130 is my final goal as well. Crazy. I've been plateaued around 138-142 for 6-8 months now, but mostly because I took the summer off from counting, just tried to keep my meals within what seemed reasonable. Did you have any trouble with the last 10 lbs? Any tips to get through it? BTW, looks…
  • I'm 5'6" and 22. SW: 165 CW: 143 GW: 130 I was 120-130 in high school and mostly happy with my body. I carry most of my weight through my hips, so I wasn't happy with my thighs at that time. I know better now. I'd say I have a medium frame...skinny through my arms and lower legs, bigger through my thighs and hips.