

  • Can I join you ladies....I have 40lbs to lose I'm 28 and my kids are 4.5, 2.5 and 10months. My dh works 4-7 12hour night shifts a week. Between last week and this week he has 13 straight days of working with no day off. so I"m by myself a lot. I could use motivation, encouragement and advice from other mommas in my…
  • My story is almost Identical to yours...I was on depo while I was engaged for 2 years and gained 70lbs (I was around 195 when I got married) while on it. After I got married I lost 25lbs and got pregnant with my oldest (whose almost 5) by the time she was 15months I was 155lbs and pregnant with number 2 and I gained 60 lbs…