

  • Boys and girls...UP 2 lbs. Back to 260. Thanksgiving bit me in the butt. Best part is....I'm not even sorry! hahaha.... I'm focused this week...turning it up to level 11!
  • I've got one that is pretty much my go-to when I do it. I'll make a couple of substitutions when I feel like changing it up, but for the most part this is what I do when I take it.... 1 cup of water 1 serving of protein powder 1 banana (sub raspberrys, strawberrys, blueberrys, etc...) 1 packet of instant oatmeal (sub…
  • Only lost 1 lb this week...down to 258. I'm not surprised. I ate like s*** and only hit the gym 3 times last week. Expect a big drop next week though!
  • Something tells me that the new scale at the gym today might be a little off. If not, then I have probably broken some kind of record by gaining 32 lbs in the past 24 hours. hahaha.....
  • This isn't just for you...but sometimes after you've been dieting and exercising in a routine for a while, your body learns to adjust and prepare itself for it and will store energy (fat) in preparation for the routine that it knows is coming. Always keep in mind that the evolution of the human body is to learn how to…
  • Down another 3 lbs. From 262 to 259. Starting weight: 290 Challenge SW: 272 Current weight: 259
  • Are you eating enough calories? Too few calories and your body goes into starvation mode and will actually store the fat rather than burn it. How often are you eating? If you're only consuming food 2 or 3 times a day, you're not fueling your body the best you can. Try to eat something every 2.5-3 hours (best choice is…
  • A simple answer is to make sure you're eating 6 "meals" a day, eat more fiber and drink plenty of water. 6 smaller meals rather than 3 larger meals will take care of the hunger. Not only will you not have that hungry feeling during the day, you'll notice that you'll naturally start eating smaller portions for your main 3…
  • I don't know if this is a "dream protein shake" but I'm pretty happy with this one. It also depends on what your goal is. Is it simply weight loss or are you trying to tone up and keep your metabolism running throughout the day. I usually eat this around 8 or 8:30 (assuming that I can eat my usual dinner at 5:30 or 6:00).…
  • I'm a couple of weeks behind as well, but I'm in. At the time of the original post I was at 272. I'm down to 262 as of today. Overall, I started on 10/7/10 and weight 290.
  • Don't know if you have a desk job or anything like that, but I keep a box of instant oatmeal in my desk so i've got a back-up plan for the days I don't have time to do make something at home. I also keep a bag of almonds in there too. Grab a couple handfuls of almonds and you get a decent dose of "good" fat, carlories,…
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