

  • So, yesterday was supposed to be a 5 mile run since this week eased up on my mileage slightly. It was so HOT at 6:30 am. I took the "rest" to heart and stopped at 3 miles and did the remaining 2 this morning. I just didn't feel comfortable running for almost an hour in that heat. Plus, I want to work on adding in another…
  • That's awesome and such a wonderful feeling isn't it! Melissa
  • Just finished a 3mile run. Gotta love it being 90 degrees at 8pm...bleh. Overall a good run though. I can only hope I'll speed up once the temp gets a little cooler. Did some planks and upper body weights as well so all is good Keep up with the great runs everyone! Melissa
  • Oops, completely missed this thread and was wondering where everyone went in the other one :) Now I really need to play catch up here. Did a slow 6 miles his morning. It was so humid but at least it was kinda cloudy. Still, 75 and humid is rough. I really need to work on core strength though as I noticed my back was…
  • Hey everyone! I hope you don't mind another joiner :) I'm set to run the Women's half marathon in Nashville on September 25. It's not my first half, but it's my first in about 4 years. I'm using a plan from and just did a 5 mile run this morning. I'm so looking forward to longer runs....even though I feel like…
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