ILovePink77 Member


  • Salt or no salt I get so much acid in my stomach when eating boiled eggs. I can eat fried eggs with no problem.
  • I have been doing Atkins for 10 1/2 years and I have many friends who have been on Atkins long term and I am sorry but you couldn't be more mistaken. There is nothing dangerous about low carbing at all!!!!!!! I am stunned at people's broad sweeping strokes of criticism with no facts. I am healthier today than ever before.…
  • I am struggling with this as well. I can drink Diet Coke till I float and I am not kidding. But water cold or room temperature will give me a horrible stomach ache. Burns so bad. Occasionally it will come up into my throat but not always. The flavor packets or mio cause issues for me as well. I do not drink any juices with…
  • I have been doing Atkins for over 8 years. It could be your metabolism plus muscle weighs more than fat. I would go more by how your clothes fit than the scales. I rarely weigh myself as it can be so discouraging. You lose faster on induction that just watching your carbs. Like it was suggested read the book.