

  • I am a little late on this one, but if you haven't made a decision I would suggest Les Mills Pump. Based off of your description of what you desire out of a workout, I would choose LMP.
  • Starting Body Beast on Monday! Last six months completed Les Mills Pump, Les Mills Pump/Marathon Hybrid, Asylum 2. I am looking forward to the change in lifting and nutrition. Any thoughts for those of you that have already started would be much appreciated.
  • P90X/Insanity hybrid workout as well. I got the hybrid from a friend of mine. If you are interested in the 90 day hybrid of P90X/Insanity let me know. Getting results! Don't for get your recovery drink and shakeology as well.
  • I agree I struggled early on and still do struggle on some of the pull ups. I started with the bands because I didn't have a bar. Then I began doing as many as I could unassisted (usually 1 - 5 depending on the hand position) and then moved to using the chair for assistance. As I began to focus on them I started setting my…
  • P90X is the best total body program. Tony did an amazing job creating a program that targets muscle growth and weight loss. He also created P90 which is a lead up program for P90X. I am addicted to P90X in a good way. I highly recommend it. Chad www.beachbodycoach.com/cbrake