

  • It's time for me to pay attention to what's going on in my life, and alcohol is too much of a factor. Today, I poured a half bottle of wine down the drain. I need to let go of this habit! It's not easy when you live with someone who drinks regularly, but I can't place the blame on anyone but me!!! It's time to clean up my…
  • Wow!!! You're doing great! I need your inspiration! It's been so hard at 57 to lose weight and keep motivated to exercise. I have to begin doing this! Thank you for your encouragement! Pat
  • I want to join! I will begin tomorrow, November 3rd. Am I now part of this challenge by just posting? I'm new to the idea of a challenge group. Any suggestions? Thanks! Pat SW 170 GW 145
  • Hello Tanya- I can relate to you post! I have had my ups and downs with the calories being on this site. It's a great site and makes me see how crazy my life and calories has been. The greatest gift I give to myself is exercise to make it all work out for the numbers. I never thought I ate that much, but I do!!! OMG!! I'm…
  • Hi! I have found mowing my lawn with a hand mower is a huge calorie burner. Also, walking my dogs, grooming my horses, and cleaning my barn all counts for calories burned during the day. I get to the gym maybe twice a week. I work full time, except for summers (I'm a teacher), have a large old farm house that needs…
  • Hello QueenB- I hear you! I'm 56 years old and have been doing a "Biggest Losers" program at my local recreation center. My daughter is the teacher for this program. Well, I am not the biggest loser, I'm not even close. I believe as women we beat ourselves up so much about our weight. We look at our stomachs and feel so…