
  • Ive spoken to my specialist and there are no issues with thre band itself its more me getting used to having fluid in it after having none during pregnancy. So its changing habits back again. No issues with slippage etc thats all been looked into. I think I just need to get back to where I was after having it put in and I…
  • Yeah on the days work I have Optifast just cause once Im in the classroom I cant just stop and eat when I want lol I have to wait til the kids do. Its a mental thing I need to overcome and make myself eat breakfast. I never did even as a teenager but now its affecting me.
  • Add me if you l, I need more support on here for sure!!
  • I had baby number one in February Ive been very slack about losing baby weight but am onto it now. Actually its not really baby weight I didnt put on much during pregnancy (less than 10kg) Im just in general wanting to lose about 30kg (20 even) before I fall pregnant again. Feel free to add me to and good luck everyone!!
  • Hi everyone Im new here, time for a fresh start and to lose this baby weight that Ive kept hold of for 10 months now! A family member has used this site and done really well and its motivated me to get moving. Id also like to lose 30 kilos before I fall pregnant again which Id like to happen in six months time. I have lost…
    in Hello :) Comment by KMGP January 2012