

  • I'm just South of you in Albuquerque and it's the same deal down here. PS is expensive no matter where you go. In some cases you can get insurance to cover most of the bill. You will have to show that it is not merely cosmetic though.
  • I can't help you there. I have friends that were in a similar situation and they ultimately ended up getting surgery to have it removed.
  • That sounds pretty solid gregkelly.
  • It's a goal centric protocol Sherlock. And there is no one size fits all diet. What works great for you might not be so great for someone who isn't as tolerant to carbohydrate. An appeal to popularity doesn't really apply in this case either. It doesn't matter if everyone on Imgurfit thinks the diet is trash. Not to long…
  • Is that the new one written by Dr. Eric Westman?
  • I was wondering when someone would get around to this.
    in HELLO. Comment by jdyray July 2013