

  • Way to gooooo!!! I am so proud of you!! My son lost 150 pounds in 11 months and I am so proud of him so I was convinced to try this program which is really easy because it does all the figuring for you and makes you realize how much you put in your mouth. Again...congrats!!! I am proud of you!!!
  • I am here daily. I forgot to take my laptop when we went camping for 3 weeks LOL but we are home now so I enter my food everyday.
  • I have lost 12 pounds in 10 days and weighed 308. My program said to eat 1500 calories a day but that is way too many to eat for me because right now, I cannot do anything right now except walk in my house due to a lot of health problems. Having said that...I only allow myself 1000 per day because I am not able to be…