

  • I love Jillian Michael's stuff! I'm currently obsessed with her "No More Trouble Zones" dvd. I usually switch between that and "Ripped in 30." Sort of burned out on the "30 Day Shred."
  • I'm up for it as well! I live in California. No way am I wearing a wrap this year when I take my daughter to the beach. :-) Also, please feel free to add me. I'm always looking for new friends as I motivate myself. :-)
  • I loved Miyazaki's version. Did you see it? How is the book different from the film?
  • I did the South Beach diet last summer and Phase 1 really helped me to get past my weight losing plateau. When I would get tired of my usual lettuce in my salads, I switched to Baby Spinach. If that doesn't do it, you could always buy the big containers of pre-mixed Spring Lettuce. Also, dressing. If you can't stand the…
  • Totally agree with you Nikiki. Those are some sound recommendations. I've lost the most weight when I increased my veggie serving. Also, if you have Netflix, there are some great workout videos on there. I use that and my Wii to get my workouts.
  • I agree with NotSurprised. It's hard to offer advice when your workout routine or eating regiment is not clear. Depending on how and what you eat, have you tired doing 5 to 6 small meals a day? Like 300 calorie carb based breakfast to give you energy, a small fruit or humus and pita chips for a snack, a lean protein and…