

  • Yes. You look great :)
  • So my husband and I decided to go to Mexico in January. The only big vacation we've taken was when we married (we eloped) & it was 3 days to New Orleans. He turns 30 in January, it'll be cold as ever here, and he thought it might help give me some motivation. I actually feel a little excited... and it's approx 4 1/2 months…
  • Thank you for all of the comments, I never realized that my story was... well bad. That's just the way my life was. I guess when you live that way, it doesn't really dawn on you that it is not normal. When I get insurance again, I will definitely go back to counseling. I am not adverse to it -- I actually really enjoyed…
  • Yes my husband knows, I have told him before, but at this time I think he thinks I stopped. He is very worried about managing my stress. School has never been a stress factor for me, I actually enjoy it & have missed it. I got into a top 2 school for my field. My undergrad GPA was a 3.805 during everything else that…
  • Awesome!! I loooove your profile pic :)
  • Good luck to you :)
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