holly2012 Member


  • I'm doing the 2 shakes with all the supplements. I really like it so far. I haven't minded living off shakes, but I think that's mainly because I don't have to wash as many dishes. :tongue: I'm typically an overeater so its nice to have that temptation removed from my diet. I am a little nervous I will get bored with it,…
  • hmm, well ive never done a site like this, but now is as good as time as any. im a freshman in college, and sadly the freshman 15 has come true for me. school can be so stressful and demanding, that i dont even acknowledge what im eating! ive gained a little over 15 punds in the past 6 months and its time to lose it, and…
  • holly 1240 a little over 1240 prob 200 over weight: 185 =/ goal: 135. but a one month goal would be about 175. school is killing me! dining halls are not diet friendly. :cry: